FLETCHER checksum

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Use this tool to quickly calculate FLETCHER checksums.

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FLETCHER checksums

John G. Fletcher while working at Lawrence Livermore Labs in the late 1970s, developed the Fletcher checksum, which is an algorithm used for calculating a position-dependent checksum. The aim behind creating the Fletcher checksum was to achieve error-detection capabilities comparable to cyclic redundancy checks, while keeping computational efforts lower by utilizing summation techniques.

A comparative study demonstrated that Fletcher-32 surpasses Adler-32 in terms of both performance and error detection. The use of modulo-65,535 addition in Fletcher-32 is simpler and faster to implement compared to modulo-65,521 addition, resulting in a generally faster algorithm.

In summary, the Fletcher checksum, offers an efficient method for error detection that balances computational effort and error-detection properties, outperforming Adler-32 in both performance and error detection capabilities.