Symbols categorized

Find the perfect symbol for your text and design needs with Symbols Categorized.,

Looking for that symbol but don't know where to find it? This page provides you with a big symbol and picture text collection. Browse the list by category and press any symbol to copy it. Then paste the symbol where you want to use it. The symbols can be copied to social platforms, your e-mail, your office document and more.

Favorited symbols

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Star symbols

Copyright & office symbols

Currency symbols

Bracket symbols

Chess & card symbols

Musical symbols

Weather & units symbols

Arrow symbols

Astrological & zodiac symbols

Heart symbols

Check marks symbols

Gender & Smiley symbols

Punctuation symbols

Math symbols

Number symbols

Fraction symbols

Comparison symbols

Technical symbols

Square & rectangle symbols

Triangle symbols

Line symbols

Corner symbols

Circle symbols

Phonetic symbols

Greek symbols

Latin symbols

Chinese symbols

Japanese symbols

Korean symbols

Popular symbols