Encrypt or decrypt text using ROT-47 text quickly with our efficient tool. Save time on any task.
Encrypt or decrypt text using ROT-47 text with our efficient tool. Save time on any task with our reliable solution.
ROT-47 is an extension of the ROT-13 encryption method that provides a greater level of text obfuscation. Unlike ROT-13, which operates only on alphabetical characters, ROT-47 applies its encryption to a wider range of ASCII characters, including letters, numbers, and symbols.
The ROT-47 algorithm works by shifting each character by 47 positions in the ASCII table. This means that every character, regardless of its type, is substituted with another character 47 places ahead. The rotation wraps around the ASCII table, allowing for the encryption of a broader set of characters.
Although ROT-47 provides a higher degree of obfuscation compared to ROT-13, it is still a relatively weak encryption method and is not suitable for secure communication or sensitive data protection. It is primarily used as a form of simple encoding to prevent casual reading or automated scanning from recognizing the text's content.
For stronger encryption needs, more advanced algorithms like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) or RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) should be employed.