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IP to location

Basted on your IP address, of the internet connection of the computer requesting this page, you are based close to Seattle in United States of America. How do we know this? By using databases available for free at we can look up aproximate information about your location such as country, countrycode, region, city, latitude and longitude.

🇺🇸 Location info  
Country United States of America
Country Code US
Region Washington
City Seattle
Latitude 47.627499
Longitude -122.346199

Your map location

Your public IP address is

🌏 IP Address  
Your IPv4 Address

Other data visible

Data visible from the log entry when you requested this page. Such as host information, broswer info, hardware information, operating system and more.

🖥 Browser info  
Agent CCBot/2.0 (
Device Desktop
Version 2.0
Browser language en (en-US,en;q=0.5)

What is IP?

An Internet Protocol address is also known as IP address. It is a numerical label which assigned to each device connected to a computer network which uses the IP for communication.

IP address act as an identifier for a specific machine on a particular network. The IP address is also called IP number and internet address. IP address specifies the technical format of the addressing and packets scheme. Most networks combine IP with a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). It also allows developing a virtual connection between a destination and a source.

The difference between IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

IPv4 & IPv6 are both IP addresses that are binary numbers. IPv4 is 32 bit binary number while IPv6 is 128 bit binary number address. IPv4 address are separated by periods while IPv6 address are separated by colons.

What is IPv4?

IPv4 was the first version of IP. It was deployed for production in the ARPANET in 1983. Today it is most widely used IP version. It is used to identify devices on a network using an addressing system.

The IPv4 uses a 32-bit address scheme allowing to store 2^32 addresses which is more than 4 billion addresses. Till date, it is considered the primary Internet Protocol and carries 94% of Internet traffic.

What is IPv6?

It is the most recent version of the Internet Protocol. Internet Engineer Taskforce initiated it in early 1994. The design and development of that suite is now called IPv6.

This new IP address version is being deployed to fulfill the need for more Internet addresses. It was aimed to resolve issues which are associated with IPv4. With 128-bit address space, it allows 340 undecillion unique address space. IPv6 also called IPng (Internet Protocol next generation).


CIDR notation is a compact representation of an IP address and its associated routing prefix. The notation is constructed from an IP address, a slash ('/') character, and a decimal number. The trailing number is the count of leading 1 bits in the routing mask, traditionally called the network mask.

User agent

User Agent in computing, is a software (a software agent) that is acting on behalf of a user, such as a web browser that "retrieves, renders and facilitates end user interaction with Web content". An email reader is a mail user agent.


The device is the unit you are using to communicate and access the internet. For example a computer, tablet or a phone allowing 2-way communication.


An Operating System (OS) is an interface between a computer user and computer hardware. An operating system is a software which performs all the basic tasks like file management, memory management, process management, handling input and output, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.


A web browser (commonly referred to as a browser) is a software application for accessing information on the World Wide Web. When a user requests a web page from a particular website, the web browser retrieves the necessary content from a web server and then displays the page on the user's device.