Word counter

Count words, letters, and sentences easily by pasting text into the field. Find common words and letters, longest and shortest words, and more with this word counter.

This word counter helps you count words, letters, text length and sentences simply by pasting a block of text into the text field. You will also find most common words and letters, longest words, shortest words and more.

Write or paste your text in the box below

Counting words

This is a free online word counter witch counts the numbers, words, letters and sentences in a given text. The tool is handy for authors writing a book, students working on an essay, teachers, translators or whoever need to count words

Write or paste your text in the box and the tool will automatically start counting. There is no limitation on the amount of text you can count, as the counting is done locally on your own computer. Since the counting is done locally there is no risk that others can see the text you paste into the box, because it is not sent trough the Internet.

Help with words

If you need help with words we recommend www.wordhelp.com.